Saturday, March 30, 2019

Book #2 is back!

Hey all!

Kanaan & Tilney: The Case of the Man-Eater is officially out again! You can order it here, as well as anywhere else where books are sold. This installment in the series puts Lowell and John on the hunt for a serial killer whose victims, like Lowell, are packless Beasts. This means delving into the world of the Beast faction for our detectives, and revisiting parts of Lowell's past that he'd much rather leave forgotten. The cover is below, and keep an eye out for incoming updates about Book #3 in the series, which is currently in the works!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

All the updates!

Wow, I have so much to tell you guys about!

First and second off, Kanaan & Tilney: The Case of the Arms Dealers is officially out! And, in addition to ebook, you can get this bad boy in paperback! LOOK AT IT OMG! It's even prettier in person! I can't even begin to say how I am or how lucky I feel to be able to hold a book that I wrote in my hands. If past!Jenna could only see me now!

Lastly, Kanaan & Tilney: The Case of the Maneater comes out on Wednesday, March 27th, and I now have a cover for it that I can share with you! Check it out below, and don't forget to pre-order it!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

New cover and release date news!

It's official! Kanaan & Tilney: The Case of the Arms Dealers has a new cover! Check it out below. It's got more of a mystery vibe than the last one did, and I'm loving it. Lookit those ominous shadows of our badass leads! And how about the sweet flame and moon logo?! Yup, I'm excited. :D The book, which is the first in the series, comes out Wednesday, January 16th. If you haven't yet, head on over and pre-order it! Book #2 (Kanaan & Tilney: The Case of the Maneater) is set for a release on Wednesday, March 27th, so keep an eye out for upcoming news about that.